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🎯 The ‘CEO’ of Hamas Who Found the Money to Attack Israel. Zaher Jabarin looks after a portfolio of companies that deliver income annually to the terrorist group. WSJ
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💥 Department of Justice and BSA Reports: Will the Third Time Be a Charm? 2024 will be the third year that the DOJ was to release a detailed report on the use of BSA reports. Hopefully, their third report will be better. Illicit Edge
💥 Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption. From the 1960s, baby brokers persuaded often Indigenous Mayan women to give up newborns while kidnappers ‘disappeared’ babies. Guardian
💥 Donald Trump received millions of dollars from foreign governments. Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a 156-page report Thursday morning accusing Trump of exploiting the presidency to financially benefit himself and members of his family. USA Today
💥 More Corporate Guilty Pleas Coming Soon. DOJ’s criminal chief said “a number of guilty pleas” are coming from corporations in early 2024, as department faces bipartisan criticism over the pace and toughness of white-collar enforcement. Bloomberg
💥 Why sanctions on Russia haven’t caused its economy to collapse. The restrictions imposed on Moscow have reduced its military capacity, but after almost two years they have not caused the bankruptcy predicted by the West. El País
🚩 Policy Alert: New U.S. Russia Sanctions Target Financial Support of Military-Industrial Base and Expand Ban of Seafood Imports Blank Rome
💥 New Jersey Used COVID Relief Funds to Buy Banned Chinese Surveillance Cameras. Cameras sold to police throughout New Jersey were modified to have different colors and the company's logo removed. 404
💥 Adani vs Hindenburg Research: India’s Adani Group won relief from Supreme Court when judges ruled that the company, hit hard by a U.S. short-seller's allegations last year of improper business dealings, is off the hook. Reuters
💥 Who would lend millions to Hunter Biden? Kevin Morris built one of the entertainment industry’s most successful law firms and inked groundbreaking deals for the creators of “South Park” and A-list stars including Matthew McConaughey. LAT
💥 Chief executive of collapsed crypto fund HyperVerse does not appear to exist. Steven Reece Lewis was introduced to investors with an impressive list of qualifications and achievements, but no organization cited can find any record of him. Guardian
💥 23andMe tells victims it’s their fault that their data was breached. In December, 23andMe admitted that hackers had stolen the genetic and ancestry data of 6.9M users, nearly half its customers. TechCrunch